Labels:barrier reef | bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | sky | water OCR: abrdefghikenetig ABCOEGHIJKLMMOPORSTUVWXUZ 0123456 789 $%& l = The quick juwlos the eaay 18 The quick X juraps S-UeN the Hog top 24 The quick brewn fex junps CHIeN the deo The quick brown fox jumps ouer the la2u 48 The quick bro-wn fo-x jumbs ouen the eazu 00 deos 60 Tre quick brown fox jumbs ouen the bop The quick brown fo-x jumbs ouen the lazu doo abdeghik rmotqntuaxus vwxyz quieck juntoe lazy jurmbs bnewn SHen saun